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From Information to Knowledge: Some Reflections on the Origin of the Current Shifting Towards Knowledge Processing and Further Perspective.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2001, vol. 52, n.1, pp. 54-61
On line (06/05/2005)
Examines reasons that prompted the current shift from information to knowledge processing, encompassing both social contextualization and the recent technological advance. Discusses knowledge production, viewed as a five-step process. The highly interdisciplinary perspective and the primacy of the user are distinguished as necessary prerequisites for solving the basic set of problems addressed by knowledge processing, and improving the user-system interaction. (DB)
Information Processing; Knowledge representation


SCHLOGL, Christian
Information and knowledge management: dimensions and approaches
Information Research; 10 (4) Jul 2005, [np]
On line ( 05/2006)
Introduction. Though literature on information and knowledge management is vast, there is much confusion concerning the meaning of these terms. Hence, this article should give some orientation and workout the main aspects of information and knowledge management. Method. An author co-citation analysis, which identified the main dimensions of information management, forms the basis of the study of literature. In it, the main aspects of information management are further refined. Furthermore, it will be investigated if the concept of knowledge management adds anything to information management, and if so what it is. Analysis. Data for analysis were retrieved from Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation Index. Though the literature review is based on the quantitative results of the bibliometric analysis and has tried to consider the most prominent publications, some degree of subjectivism cannot be excluded. Results. As a result of analysis, a distinction can be made between content and technology-oriented information management approaches. According to the literature review, technology-oriented information management includes data management, information technology management and strategic information technology management. The main emphasis of these approaches is the effective and efficient use of information technology. In contrast, content-oriented approaches focus on information and its use. They can be distinguished in records management, provision of external information, human-centered information management, and information resources management. The reading of the literature on knowledge management reveals, that this term is either used synonymously for information management or for the management of work practices with the goal of improving the generation of new knowledge and the sharing of existing knowledge. Conclusions This article identifies various aspects that are embraced by the terms information management and knowledge management. Thus, it should contribute to more terminological clarity and finally improve communication both in science and in professional practice. (Original abstract)
Knowledge management; Terminology


SVEIBY, Karl Erik
Knowledge value
Revista Gestión - mar/abr 2000.
On line ( 12/06/2004)
In the age of knowledge, intangible assets gain importance as the firm’s main value. Knowledge of its staff, the relationship with clients and the reliability of suppliers become more important each day. In order to evaluate knowledge-based assets it is necessary to change the paradigm, reformulate the information systems and recognize that the employees are not equivalent to the total of their salaries.
knowledge management; intellectual capital


ABELL, Angela; [et al.]
Fad or future? The practice of knowledge management is growing. What is it and who makes it happen?
CILIP, 2003
On line ( 13/06/2004)
KM has moved from 'nice to have when times are good' to 'an essential business process if designed with a business outcome'. The move in thinking is significant. KM is no longer an idea for the corporate academics to play with. It is a process which may, or may not, produce some identifiable benefits but which will help keep the essential movers and shakers motivated to spot the next move forward for the organisation. It has evolved into working practices and the only set of questions for many organisations is now 'What aspects do we run with? When? How fast? Who is involved?
Knowledge management; information skills
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