
PINTO, M., ESCALONA, M.I., PULGARIN. Information literacy in social sciences and health sciences: a bibliometric study (1974?2011). Scientometrics, 2012, pp. 1-24. Preprint online DOI 10.1007/s11192-012-0899-y

PINTO, M., URIBE, A. Las bibliotecas pblicas hbridas en el marco de la Alfabetizacin Informacional. Revista Espaola de Documentacin Cientfica, 2012, n monogrfico, pp. 136-168.

PINTO, M. Information literacy perceptions and behaviour among history students. Aslib Proceedings, 2012, 64, 3, pp. 304-327.

PINTO, M., POULIOT, C., CORDN, J.A. Ebook reading among Spanish university students. Electronic Library, 2012, (en prensa).

PINTO, M., PUERTAS, S. Autoevaluacin de la competencia informacional en los estudios de Psicologa desde la percepcin del estudiante. Anales de Documentacin, 2012, 15, 2, pp. 2-15.

PINTO, M., FERNNDEZ, A., SNCHEZ, G., MENESES, G. Information competence of doctoral students in Information Science in Spain and Latin America: A self-assessment. Journal Academic Librarianship, 2012 (en prensa)

PINTO, M., GMEZ, C., FERNNDEZ, A. Los recursos educativos electrnicos: perspectivas y herramientas de evaluacin. Perspectivas em Cincia da Informao, 2012,17, 3, pp.82-99.

PINTO, M., MANSO, R. El uso de los mapas conceptuales para la evaluacin de los servicios de referencia virtual de las bibliotecas universitarias: una experiencia prctica. Investigacin Bibliotecolgica, 2012, 57, 2.

PINTO, M., MANSO, R. Virtual References Services: defining the criteria and indicators to evaluate them. Electronic Library, 2012, 30 (1), pp. 51 ? 69

SALES, D., PINTO, M. The professional translator and Information Literacy: Perceptions and needs. Journal of Library and Information Science (JOLIS), 2011, 43, 4, pp. 246-260

PINTO, M.: An approach to the internal facet of Information Literacy using the IL-HUMASS survey. Journal of Academic Library, 2011, 37, 2, p. 145-154

RODRIGUEZ, Mª J.; OLMOS, S., PINTO, M., et. al.: Informational Literacy And Information And Communication Technologies Use By Secondary Education Students In Spain:  A Descriptive Study. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, April 2011, 4, 4, p. 1-12

PINTO, M., MANSO, R. Virtual References Services: defining the criteria and indicators to evaluate them. Electronic Library, nº 1, 2011 (en prensa)

PINTO, M., SALES, D. The professional translator and information literacy: perceptions and needs. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science (JOLIS), 2011 (en prensa)

GARCIA, F.J., PINTO, M.: Local versus global information relevance in Website use: a case study with the information literacy portal AlfinEEES.  Information Research, 2010, 15, 4, p. 135-152

PINTO, M.,  SALES, D. Insights into translation students’ information literacy using the IL-HUMASS survey. Journal of Information Science, 2010, 36, 5, p. 618-630

PINTO, M.  DOUCET, A.V., FERNÁNDEZ, A.:  Measuring students’ information skills through concept mapping. Journal of Information Science, 2010, 36, 4, p. 464-480

PINTO, M., GARCIA, J. SALES, D., CORDÓN, J.A.: Interactive self-assessment test for improving and evaluating information competence.  Journal of Academic  Librarianship,  2010, 36, 6, P. 526-538

PINTO, M. : Design of the IL-HUMASS survey on information literacy in higher education: a self-assessment approach. Journal of Information Science, 2010, 36, 1, p. 86-103

PINTO, M., FERNÁNDEZ, V. GÓMEZ, C.: The Impact of Information Behaviour in Academic Library Service Quality: A Case Study of the Science and Technology Area in Spain. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2010, 36, 1, p. 70-78.
PINTO, M., FERNÁNDEZ, A.: Spanish Faculty Preferences and Usage of Library Services in the Field of Science and Technology. Portal: Libraries and the Academy , 2010, 10, 2, p. 215-239

PINTO, M., URIBE, A. Formarnos y autoformarnos en alfabetización informacional. un programa  de mentorización en bibliotecas universitarias-CRAI. Investigación Bibliotecológica, 2010, 52 (en prensa)


PINTO, M. Design of the IL-HUMASS survey on information literacy in higher education: a self-assessment approach. Journal of Information Science, 2010, 36, 1, p. 86-103

PINTO, M., FERNNDEZ-RAMOS, A. Spanish Faculty Preferences and Usage of Library Services in the Field of Science and Technology. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 2010, 10, 2.

PINTO, M., CORDON, J.A,  GOMEZ. R. Thirty years of Information Literacy (1977-2007): a terminological, conceptual and statistical analysis. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2010, 1, pp. 1-17.

PINTO, M. FERNNDEZ, V., GMEZ, C.: The Impact of Information Behavior in Academic Library Service Quality: A Case Study of the Science and Technology Area in Spain. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2010, 36, 1, p. 70-78.

PINTO, M., GUERRERO, D., FERNNDEZ, A.; DOUCET, A.V. Information provided by Spanish university websites on their assessment and quality processes. Scientometrics, 2009, 81,1, p. 264-289.

PINTO, M., SALES, D., OSORIO, P.  El personal de la biblioteca universitaria y la alfabetización informacional: de la autopercepción a las realidades y retos formativos. Revista Española de Documentación Cientifica, 2009, vol. 32, nº 1, p. 60-80

PINTO, M.: Cyberabstracts: a portal on the subject of abstracting designed to improve information literacy skills. Journal of Information Science, 2008, vol. 34, nº 5, p. 667-679

PINTO, M. A User View of Factors Affecting Quality of Thesauri in Social Science Databases. Library and Information Science Research, 2008, vol. 30, nº 3, p. 216-221

PINTO, M.: Developing a Checklist for Qualitative Evaluation of Service Charters in Academic Libraries. JOLIS, 2008, vol. 40, n 2, p. 111-122

PINTO, M., SALES, D.: INFOLITRANS: A Model for the Development of Information Competence for Translators .Journal of Documentation, 2008, vol. 64, n 3, p. 413-438

PINTO, M. SALES, D.: Knowledge transfer and information skills for student-centered learning: Some academic experiencies in Spain. Portal. Libraries and the Academy. 2008, vol 8, n. 1, p. 53-74

PINTO, M.: A User View of Factors Affecting Quality of Thesauri in Social Science Databases. Library and Information Science Research, 2008 (en prensa)

PINTO, M., FERNÁNDEZ, A., DOUCET, AV. Measuring Students' Information Literacy Skills through Abstracting. College and Research Libraries, 2008, vol.69, n 2, p. 132-154

PINTO, M., DOUCET, AV., FERNNDEZ, A.The role of information competencies and skills in learning to abstract. Journal of Information Science, 2008, vol. 34, n 6, p. 799-815

PINTO, M. FERNNDEZ, V., GMEZ, C. La herramienta BIQUAL como instrumento para el estudio de la calidad de servicio en bibliotecas universitarias espaolas de ciencia y tecnologa. Revista Espaola de Documentacin Cientfica, 2007, vol. 30, n 4, p. 465-491

PINTO, M., SALES, D. Towards User-centred Information Literacy Instruction in Translation: the View of Trainers. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 2007, vol. 2, n1, p. 47-74.

PINTO, M. BALAGUE, N., ANGLADA, L. Evaluacin y calidad en las bibliotecas universitarias: experiencias espaolas entre 1994-2006. Revista Espaola de Documentacin Cientfica, 30, 3, 2007, pp. 360-379

PINTO, M., DOUCET, AV. An Academic Portal for Higher Education Information Literacy: the e-COMS initiative. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2007, vol. 33, n. 5, p. 604-611

PINTO, M., SALES, D. A case study research for user-centered information literacy instruction: Information behavior of translation trainees, Journal of Information Science, 2007, 33, 5, p. 531-550

PINTO, M., DOUCET, AV. An Educational Resource for Information Literacy in Higher Education: Visibility and Usability of the e-COMS Academic Portal. Scientometrics, 2007, V. 72, Nº 2, p. 225-252

PINTO, M. SALES, D. Alfabetizacin informacional para una sociedad intercultural: Algunas iniciativas desde las bibliotecas pblicas. Anales de Documentacin, 2007, n 10, 317-333

PINTO, M., SALES, D., DOUCET, AV., FERNÁNDEZ, A., GUERRERO, D.: Metric Analysis of the Information visibility and diffusion about the European Higher Education Area on Spanish University Websites. Scientometrics, 2007, vol. 72, n 2, p. 345-370

PINTO, M., SALES, D. State-of-the-Art of Information Literacy. UNESCO Report for Spain, 2006.Informe sobre Espaa para Information Literacy: An International State-of-the-Art Report. Coordinador: Jess Lau. UNESCO ID 600015. Referencia: CII/INF/ABID/05/26660, CII/INF/ABID/05/26919. Contract Numbers 4500026660, 4500026919. Disponible en:

PINTO, M.: A grounded theory on abstracts quality: weighting variables and attributes. Scientometrics, vol. 69, nº 2, 2006, pp. 213-226

PINTO, M.: De la evaluacin a la certificacin de Bibliotecas Universitarias en la Espaa del conocimiento. Cuadernos BAD, 2006

PINTO, M. Evaluacin de la calidad de recursos electrnicos educativos para el aprendizaje significativo. Cuadernos SACAUSSEF, Ministerio da Educaao, 2006, p. 25-43

PINTO, M.: Data representation factors and dimensions from the quality function deployment (QFD) perspective. Journal of Information Science, vol. 32, nº 2, 2006, p. 116-130

PINTO, M., ALONSO, J.L., CORDÓN, J.A., FERNÁNDEZ, V., GARCIA, C., GARCIA, J., GOMEZ, C., ZAZO, A. Quality Assessment of Spanish Universities web sites focused on the European Research Area. Scientometrics, vol. 65, nº 1, 2005, p. 67-93.

PINTO, M., ALONSO, J.L., CORDÓN, J.A., FERNÁNDEZ, V., GARCIA, C., GARCIA, J., GOMEZ, C., ZAZO, A., DOUCET, V. Análisis cualitativo de la visibilidad de la investigación de las Universidades españolas a través de sus páginas web. Revista Española de Documentación Científica, 2004, 27, 3, pp. 345-370.

PINTO, M. Engineering the Production of Metainformation: the Abstracting Concern. Journal of Information Science, 2003, vol. 29, 5, pp, 429-441

PINTO, M. Abstracting/Abstract Adaptation to Digital Environments: Research Trends (solo UGR). Journal of Documentation 2003, vol. 59,5, pp, 581-608.

PINTO, M., Quality Factors in Documentary Translation, Meta, 2001, vol.46, 2, pp. 288-301. 

GÓMEZ, C., PINTO, M., La Normalisation au Service de la Traduction, Meta, 2001, vol.46, 3, pp. 546-579.

PINTO, M., LANCASTER, F. W., Abstract and Abstracting in knowledge Discovery, Library Trends, 1999 vol. 48, 1, pp. 225-234. 

PINTO, M., et al., Paradigms for Abstracting Systems, Journal of Information Science, 1999, vol. 25,5, pp. 365-380.

PINTO, M., Los Usuarios Clientes de los Servicios de Información Desde la Perspectiva de la Calidad: Consideraciones Metodológicas, Ciencias de la Información. 1999, vol. 30,2, pp. 23-30.

PINTO, M., Competencias del Traductor de Textos Literarios Desde la Perspectiva Documental, Terminologie et Traduction, 1999, vol. 3, pp. 99-111.

PINTO, M., SUAREZ, J. M., Recursos Informativos Sobre Gestión de Calidad en Biblioteconomía y Documentación, Madrid, Revista General de Información y Documentación, 1999, vol. 9,1, pp. 217-273.

PINTO, M., Gestión de Calidad en Documentación, Anales de Documentación, Anales de Documentación, vol. 1, pp. 171-183, 1998.

PINTO, M., SÁNCHEZ, G., Planificación Estratégica y Calidad en los Sistemas de Información Científica, Ciencias de la Información, 1997. vol. 28, 4, pp. 241-249.

PINTO, M., Documentary Abstracting: Toward a Methodological Model, Journal of American Society for Information Science, vol. 46, 3, pp. 225-234, 1995.  

PINTO, M., Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Concept and Practice of Written Text's Documentary Content Analysis (WTDCA), Journal of Documentation, 1994. Vol. 50,2, pp. 111-133, 1994 PREMIO FID'95 Mejor Articulo del Año. 

PINTO, M, Hacia un Modelo De Representación Documental. Investigación Bibliotecológica, 1991, 5, 10, pp. 17-28